Convert pixels to css units rem, em, point, pica, vw, vh, or units of length mm, cm, inch through our easy to use pixel converter. Our free online tool will provide you access to all pixel related conversions.


Convert pixel to inch & inch to pixel


How to use our pixel converter

~ Step 1 ~

Set the dpi, base pixel, and viewport width/height. Don't change entered values if they are correct.

~ Step 2 ~

Input the px, rem, em, inch, mm, cm, pica, point, vh, vw, foot values that you want to convert.

~ Step 3 ~

Type the number and press enter to make the calculation

pixel converter convert px to mm cm inch feet point pica em rem viewport vh vw

What is pixel

Pixel aka „Picture Element“ is the basic unit of a bitmap/raster image. It's the smallest element of a digital image that holds specific color information. Each pixel can be represented by just one color at a time. The size of pixels depends on the device screen. Electronic billboards include pixels that have a few centimeters, but the pixel size of smartphones is significantly smaller, pixels are nearly not visible by the human eye. The more pixels the better image quality. Monochrome or 256 colors images can look grainy and rasterized while digital pics with 16 to 32-bit color depth have smooth color blending that creates a nice 3D realistic look.

What is the difference between DPI and PPI



DPI stands for „Dot per inch“ and it's referring to how many dots can be placed in 1 inch line. This value is often used by graphic designers or printers. Images with low DPI are not even worth printing because you will get blurry and less detailed print output.



PPI „Pixel per inch“ and DPI are often falsely interpreted as the same terms. While DPI describes the number of dots within 1x inch of the printed image, PPI is about the resolution and amount o pixels within 1x inch of a digital image.

Units of length and typography


A millimeter is a unit of length that is equal to 1/1000 of a meter.


Centimeter in metric system stands for 1/100 of a meter.


An inch is a unit for measuring length used in English-speaking countries. Equals to 2,54 cm.


Point is a unit measuring font size primarily used in the most graphic editors.


The foot is a unit of length in British Imperial and US customary measurement systems. Equals to 30,4 cm.


Rem and Em are units of length that you can spot in CSS code. These are units for sizing boxes and text.


Typographic units commonly used in print media. Corresponding to 1/6 of an inch or 12 points.


Viewpoint is a visible area of a windows screen. There are 2 main values. VH for the height of the viewport and VW for the width of the viewport.

How to calculate pixel unit conversions

Learn the formulas behind the conversion of pixels into units for measuring length

1. Pixel to millimeter (px to mm) & millimeter to pixel (mm to px)

If we have 96 PPI and we know that 1 inch is 25,4 mm then mathematical equation is: 1px = (25,4 / 96 PPI)
1px = 0,26458 mm
Considering there is 96 PPI and 1 inch is 25,4 mm then after divination, we get: 1mm = (96 PPI / 25,4)
1mm = 3,78px

2. Pixel to centimeter (px to cm) & centimeter to pixel (cm to px)

If the display of your device has 96 PPI then you have to use the following calculation: 1px = (2,54/96 PPI)
1px = 0.026458 cm
If you need to know the size of 1cm in pixels then you have to divide screen resolution by 2,54: 1cm = (96PPI/2,54)
1cm = 37,8px

3. Pixel to inch (px to inch) & inch to pixel (inch to px)

Pixels to inches converter works on the formula 1 inch / PPI: 1px = (1/96 PPI)
1px = 0.010416
Online calculation for knowing the size of an inch in pixel is very easy: 1inch = (96/1 PPI)
1inch = 96px

4. Pixel to feet (px to ft) & feet to pixel (ft to px)

1 Feet is equivalent to 1152 pixels: 1 feet = 1152 px
2 feet = 2304 px
To get the number of pixels in feet we have to make everything vice versa: 1px = (1/1152px)
1px = 0.0008680556 feet

5. Pixel to point (px to pt) & point to pixel (pt to px)

We got 2 values (72 and 96) in this formula. 1 inch equals to 72 points and 96px equals to 1 inch: 1px = (72pt/96) As for most of the calculations we have to reverse numbers to get how many pixels have 1 point: 1pt = (96/72px)

6. Pixel to em (px to em) & em to pixel (em to px)

Turning em unit often used in css to pixels is simple. You have to divide pixels by the font size: 1em = (px / font size) To find out how many pixel equals to 1 em, multiply em css unit by the font size: 1px = ( em x font size)

7. Pixel to pica (px to pc) & pica to pixel (pc to px)

The size of 1 pica is 16px so another pica values can be calculated by simple multiplication: 1pc = 12pt = 1/6 in = 16px Assuming that 16px is pica then we have to divide 1px by 16: 1px = (1/16)

8. Pixel to viewport (px to vw, px to vh) & viewport to pixel (vw to px, vh to px)

These are mathematical formulas for viewport calculations px in vw: 100 * px / width of the window
px in vh: 100 * px / height of the window
vh in px: height of the window * vh / 100
vw in px: width of the window * vw / 100

9. Pixel to rem (px to rem) & rem to pixel (rem to px)

Rem units use the same calculation as em units: 1rem = (px / font size)
1px = ( rem x font size)


Why do you need pixel converter? - Not all people are interested in the conversion of pixels to other metric units, but there are certain professions like graphic designers, web developers, printers, or typographers that are working with these units, and its more easier for them just to use a calculator.

How to convert display resolutions of your screen? - You can use this usefull online tool www.dpi.lv to find out what resolution has you digital device and just input with and height value to our calculators. Most common resolutions are (600x600 px, 1280x720 px, 1366×768 px, 1920x1080 px, 2560x1600 px, )

How to convert paper sizes? - The process is the same as for display resolutions, just measure with and height of your paper and input these values to our pixel converter. It's that easy. The most common paper sizes are A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5 ... A13, B1, B2, B3 ... B10, C0, C1, C2, C3, C4 ... C10, letter, legal, half letter, tabloid, ledger, ANSI, ARCH.

How to find out PPI of my screen? - Go to Start > Settings > System > Display in your windows to check out the resolution of your screen and use the following formula to calculate PPI. PPI = √(pixels of screen horizontal^2 + pixels of screen vertical^2) / inches diagonal

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