increase your image contrast tutorial

Increase your image contrast for the best vectorization results

Often, images with closely-matched colors fall short when it comes to vector tracing. Ideally, you'd want a pronounced difference between the image elements you're vectorizing and the background. If your image is awash with similar color shades, your vectorization efforts might not work out as you’d hoped, or at the very least take a lot longer to get right.

Where can I increase the contrast of my bitmap image?

Lucky for you, we've got just the thing on our website - an image editing tool that lets you tweak the contrast, saturation, brightness, exposure, hue, and many other color-related attributes of your image.

how to increase image contrast step 1

Step 1

First things first, visit our image editing tool and upload your PNG, BMP, or JPG files. You can click on the dark blue upload button, or simply drag and drop your image.

how to increase image contrast step 2

Step 2

Once you've uploaded your image, you'll see a small preview. As you adjust the color values, you’ll notice the preview change too.

You can modify brightness, contrast, saturation, vibrance, exposure, hue, sepia, gamma, noise, clip, sharpen, and stackblur. Plus, we offer a range of filters that can automatically revamp the look of your uploaded image or photo.

how to increase image contrast step 3

Step 3

Next, locate the contrast slider under image effects, and adjust the contrast by moving the blue dot from right to left. Want a specific intensity? Key in the numerical value!

Don't hesitate to experiment with all the effects to make sure you get the best possible result.

how to increase image contrast step 4

Step 4

When you're happy with the edits, click on one of the four download buttons to save the image on your desktop, or another device. For vector conversion, it's best to stick to bitmap file formats like JPG or PNG.

Which format works best?

JPG images with white backgrounds tend to work best with our vector conversion tool on home page.

Not sure which values to tweak?

If you're looking to enhance your image for vector conversion, consider playing around with contrast, exposure, saturation, vibrance, and sharpness.

Spotting the difference: low contrast vs high contrast vectorization

Spotting the difference: low contrast vs high contrast

Wondering how low contrast and high contrast images fare in vector conversion? Take a look at the comparison above.

Low contrast images often don't make the cut, as vector tracing software struggles to distinguish details in images with similar color shades.

High-contrast images, on the other hand, excel in vectorization. Auto-tracing software can easily identify shapes in the image, making for a clean and sharp vectorization process.

Vector files of this sort are perfect for any print job, or laser cutting and engraving work.

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