Free Color SVG Converter

Use our free SVG converter for color conversion of bitmap images. Get a fully vectorized image ready for print or web usage. Try our SVG file converter and Free vector editor.

Drag an image here or Select file!

Recommended File Size = 1MB | Resize an image

Advanced options

Curve Fitting
Color Precision (More accurate)
Gradient Step (Less layers)

Filter Speckle (Cleaner)
Corner Threshold (Smoother)
Segment Length (More coarse)
Splice Threshold (More accurate)
Path Precision (More digits)

Don’t Forget Before you Start Vectorization

resize image

1. Resize your image

Our free svg converter works best with images that have around 1000px or their size doesn’t exceed 1MB size. You can use our image resizer to get ideal files for vector conversion.

Resize an image ➞
convert image

2. Choose the right vector file format

If you require a different vector file format than svg, you can find a free file converter for turning svg to most common vector formats (ai, eps, pdf, svg, cdr, dxf, dwg) on our website.

Start file conversion ➞

How our Color SVG Converter Works

upload image

1. Select bitmap image

Just drag and drop your bitmap image (jpg, png, gif, bmp, tiff) inside upload form or click on ‘select file’ option to get your file converted to vector.
select file format

2. Advanced options

Our free vectorizer offers a number of tools for editing and modifying the vector image. Play around with these options for best results.
start vector conversion

3. Download SVG file

Click on the red download button to save your vectorized image. Popup window will give you an option to choose desired place for your svg file.

Aren’t you Satisfied with the Vectorization?

Automated vectorization cannot compare to manual vectorization. Skilled vector artists will always produce nicer, cleaner, and more accurate vector images. Learn about the difference between manual vectorization and auto-tracing.


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