Convert SVG to CODE – Free inline SVG Converter

Convert your SVG files with our handy inline SVG Converter, and voila - you'll have inline code ready to be woven into your HTML and CSS instantly.

1. Drag an image here or Select file!

Input file format: svg

How to use our inline SVG converter?

~ Step 1 ~

Upload your SVG image by choosing a file or dropping it onto our converter.

~ Step 2 ~

Copy the generated inline SVG code using the cmd/ctrl + C shortcut.

~ Step 3 ~

You can easily paste the generated inline SVG code into your HTML or CSS file by using the cmd/ctrl + V shortcut.
svg to code - inline svg converter

What exactly is the difference between SVG and inline SVG?

SVG stands for 'scalable vector graphics'. That's another way of saying it's an image that can be blown up to any size without getting pixelated or losing quality.

Inline SVG is an SVG image that is loaded as part of your website. This gives your site a bit of a boost in terms of performance; but also means that you can manipulate your inline SVG with javascript and css, which is really handy.

What exactly is Inline SVG?

Inline SVG allows you to use the SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) image type in your HTML files during web development. There are several reasons why you might want to do this: Inline SVG can enhance performance, improve your site’s flexibility, and unlike more traditional image formats, inline SVG can actually be styled by CSS. Basically, it provides developers with a convenient way to manipulate vector graphics on their web pages, and eliminates the need for separate image files.

Understanding SVG Images

SVG is an image format designed to support interactivity and animation. SVG images are what’s known as ‘resolution independent’, which is another way of saying that they can be resized without compromising their quality. This makes them incredibly handy for designers working on a wide range of applications, including company logos, website icons, illustrations, and much more.


How do I use inline SVG icons?

Inlining SVG icons is dead easy. Once you've used our SVG converter just copy the SVG code and paste it into your HTML file. Once you've done that, you can, tweak the icon's style with CSS properties like color, width, and height. Combine inline SVG with CSS sprites, and you're all set with scalable, responsive icons for your website.

Does inline SVG work with all browsers?

Pretty much. Inline SVG is supported by all modern browsers, including the likes of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, and Opera. However, a word of warning if you're using an older browser, like an older version of Internet Explorer - you might run into problems using inline SVG if your browser isn't fully up to date.

Is Inline SVG good for my website's SEO?

Absolutely - yes! Firstly, inline SVG files are generally good for your page loading speed - certainly when compared to other image formats - which is an important ranking factor for Google.

On top of that, inline SVG image files can be indexed by search engines, which means they'll show up in image search results - bringing more visitors to your website.

Finally, because you can style inline SVG files using css, this probably means you're going to end up with a nicer looking website. While it might not be an absolutely crucial factor in search engine optimisation, it normally helps.

How do I use inline SVG images?

To use inline SVG images in HTML and CSS, simply copy and paste the code from the SVG converter into your existing website. You can then finesse the inline SVG's style using CSS; just as you would with a div, or any other element really.

<body> // Paste the SVG code here. </body>

body { background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svgxmlns=''width='10'height='10'><linearGradientid='gradient'> <stopoffset='10%'stop-color='%23F00'/><stopoffset='90%'stop-color='%23fcc'/></linearGradient> <rectfill='url(%23gradient)'x='0'y='0'width='100%'height='100%'/></svg>");  }

PNG vs SVG - who wins?

To be honest, it all depends on what you're using it for.

PNG shines when it comes to intricate images packed with details. If you've got a big hero image at the top of your blog article, you probably want a PNG for that.

On the other hand SVG is the go-to for simple images and graphics that need scalability. While PNG images can be a bit bulky and don't scale well, SVG images are more lightweight and retain their quality regardless of scale.

Why should I use Inline SVG?

Inline SVG boasts several advantages over more traditional image formats like JPEG and PNG.

For starters, it's vector-based, which means scaling doesn't dent its quality.

Secondly, it's lightweight and easily fine-tuned for web performance.

Thirdly, it's fully editable, offering developers the freedom to tweak the code to their liking.

Fourthly, it can be animated and made interactive, adding a dash of dynamism to web pages.

Lastly, you can jazz it up with CSS, leaving you with a more versatile and better-designed website.

All you need to do to get started is grab your SVG files and drop them into the converter at the top of the page - it couldn’t be easier.

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