❓ Where do you normally find QR codes? - These days, QR codes are all over the place; from product packaging and restaurant menus, to flyers, billboards and in-store displays. They’re an incredibly popular tool, which means they’re used across a wide range of industries and applications.
❓ I have a question/problem - No worries! Click here to contact us, and our friendly support team will be happy to help.
❓ Reliable Services for making QR Codes - With a long-standing history and a reputation as one of the most visited image conversion websites, Vectorization.eu provides a reliable and consistent service for creating QR codes.
❓ Can I change my QR code? - The short answer is no. Once a QR code has been generated, that’s pretty much it. However, if you do need to change the QR code you’ve just made; it takes a matter of seconds to create another one.
❓ Are QR codes available in different colors? - Our QR code generator produces images in black and white. However, because of our high-quality downloads it’s really easy to change the colors of your creation in your image editing tool of choice.
❓ Is there a limit to the number of times I can scan a QR code? - Not at all. Once you’ve made a QR code it will last until the end of time. You can share it with as many people as you like.