Disavow File Generator: The Easiest Way to Remove Harmful Backlinks

The Disavow File Generator is your best solution to remove bad, toxic, or spammy backlinks. The tool provides you with a flawless and structurally correct TXT file you can deliver to the Google Disavow tool.


How to Remove Harmful Backlinks?

Follow the steps below in the tool to remove harmful backlinks from your website:

~ Step 1 ~

Choose the URLs and domains you need to disavow in the Google Search Console.

~ Step 2 ~

Use the Disavow File Generator tool to get the TXT file with the correct structure.

~ Step 3 ~

Upload the TXT file, which contains the toxic backlinks, into the Google Disavow tool.
disavow file generator

What is the Google Disavow Tool?

Google Disavow Links Tool is a tool offered by Google to help website owners and webmasters detect low-quality or spammy backlinks that might be harming their website’s SEO performance. Google has offered this tool to combat link spam and manipulative SEO practices.

What are Harmful Backlinks?

A vital part of website maintenance for high-performing websites is the process of discovering toxic and harmful backlinks. That’s because harmful backlinks can compromise the search engine rankings of a website.

Harmful backlinks are typically links that come from spammy, low-quality, or malicious websites. Examples of harmful backlinks are links from link farms, adult sites, gambling sites, and other sources that might be irrelevant to your website content and industry.

How to Search for Harmful Backlinks

Google Search Console — formerly known as Webmaster Tools — is an invaluable tool that helps you detect backlinks to your website. In addition to that, several third-party tools are available on the market to help you discover harmful backlinks, including some popular tools such as Ahrefs, Moz, SEMrush, and Majestic. These tools come with features that assess the quality of backlinks and sort them as toxic or healthy links. However, the only downside of these tools is that they’re not free and require you to pay for their premium memberships monthly. The good news is that other tools like NeilPatel and Semator offer free features for this purpose.

How to Disavow Harmful Backlinks

Follow these steps to disavow harmful backlinks to your website:

Step 1:

Create a simple, UTF-8 encoded text file with a .txt extension using a simple text editor like Notepad.

Step 2:

Insert the URLs for harmful backlinks you tend to disavow, with a rate of one URL per line. You can also use the domain: prefix if you need to disavow entire domains.

Step 3:

Insert a comment line with any notes related to the disavow file, including the date and cause of disavowing it.

Tips to Consider

Keep in mind that disavowing harmful backlinks should be your last option. Be absolutely watchful when disavowing backlinks as overusing this feature may harm your website SEO. That’s because not all backlinks that appear to be spammy are causing issues for your website.

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